ACES is an environmental inspection and monitoring group created to assist the client with construction site stormwater observations and documentation. With over 60 years of service in the public and private sector including regulatory compliance, environmental awareness, troubleshooting, record keeping and conflict resolution, ACES attempts to satisfy all of the mandates required of the permit holder.
One of the most daunting requirements of the permit is the performance of required self-audits to evaluate the site, determine if the plan is implemented correctly, assess the effectiveness of controls, and identify potential liabilities. ACES will conduct these inspections in an effort to improve regulatory compliance, assist the permit holder with a variety of strategies to protect the environment, reduce client risk and liabilities and remove the guesswork on how to proceed.
The effort to secure and implement a regulatory permit for your activities can be a daunting and complicated affair. Navigating through a maze of unfamiliar terms, regulatory roadblocks, enforcement actions and other hurdles can be a difficult task for the most seasoned expert. ACES has a long track record of experience to provide support, direction and assistance to guide you through all stages of the process and reduce your exposure to unwanted regulatory interventions. Place the safe bet and always have ACES up your sleeve. We declutter the mess.